A Beta Video

Design within the digital world has become a vastly well-known phenomenon globally, where it has become quite popular for gift giving. The digital illustration niche has so many different styles, so you could easily fail and slip into a nobody hole if you aren’t uniquely different (as mentioned in the video above). 

Feedback and comments I have received have been focused on qualitative in whcih they have been very positive towards the content I am producing. To uphold ethical issues of privacy, here are a few mentioned: 

  • thank you so much, we love them!
  • So talented my friend
  • You’re so talented
  • Love your design aesthetic 
  • Love these muted tones 
  • Oh amazing, especially after reading that it’s combined photos!

The ‘Uses and gratifications theory in which my DA is a part of allows me to see how I can the needs of my audience which leads to ultimate gratification hence the theory name. Looking from an audience point of view, by participatory observations of other personas I can see how the theory works where I am finding unique content that leads me to enjoy their accounts. 

Looking at my DA from a different account on Instagram has really challenged my personal experience as an audience member within my media niche. Seeing what my account looks like from my audience’s perspective, allowed me to question the content I am producing and the reasons behind each post, I am able to interact with the posts and see the hashtags used. I thought about what I would like to see from an observer view rather than my DA point of view. 



Week 4, part 1 – Moore, C 2020, ‘BCM241 Media Ethnographies: Methods and Methodologies Methods and Methodologies Part Two – Observation and Autoethnography’, lecture, BCM241, The University of Wollongong, delivered August 16

MWENGENMEIR (2014). The Hypodermic Needle – Media Studies 101. [online] Opentextbc.ca. Available at: https://opentextbc.ca/mediastudies101/chapter/the-hypodermic-needle/ [Accessed 8 Oct. 2021].

Rumi, J. (n.d.). Questions for Reflection. [online] Available at: https://us.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-assets/93607_book_item_93607.pdf.

Whiting, A. and Williams, D.L. (2013). (PDF) Why people use social media: A uses and gratifications approach. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237566776_Why_people_use_social_media_A_uses_and_gratifications_approach.


12 responses to “A Beta Video”

  1. I love the approach you are taking to research your DA! You seem to have a clear understanding of the theories that can assist you with your DA and you show evidence of engagement with your audience. It is apparent that you have used participatory observation to understand your media niche in great depth and you have implemented what you know successfully into your own DA. It is obvious you have a clear plan for what you are going to do for the rest of the semester and you seem organised and confident. I particularly love how you have presented your blog video; I found it very entertaining and engaging! The categories, tags and links to interesting articles are also a great touch. Great blog! I have attached an article you might be interested in below about visual communication on social media you might find interesting and helpful when growing your public persona.

    Schreiber, M., 2017. Audiences, aesthetics and affordances analysing practices of visual communication on social media. Digital Culture & Society, 3(2), pp.143-164.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Charlie!
    Can safely say I’m always so impressed with your work! I’ve followed along your DA concepts for a while now and love to watch your skills, confidence and knowledge evolve in the area of graphic design! Your post has a professional feel to it with engaging graphics that help your blog to flow nicely, creating a organised structure. With this beta blog/video in particular I really think you did a great job with aligning your project with the assessment requirements as well as incorporating lecture/tutorial content to back up your knowledge. Your incorporation of the Hypodermic Needle theory in your video is interesting way to tick the box of conforming with lecture content and to further explain your concepts.
    If you’re interested in gaining a better understanding of the Hypodermic Needle theory, check out the website below!

    Awesome job Charlie xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re the biggest hype gal ever!!!


  3. Hi Charlie! Love your DA concept of digital illustrations. Your close look at similar kinds of accounts on the same platform is a great way to gain insight for your own project and narrowing it down to those key points of consistency and uniqueness is a clear application of ethnographic research skills. I definitely need to do the same for successful content creators in my own niche to avoid it feeling too vague and undefined. I wonder if there’s also more specific persona-related aspects of other accounts? Do you prefer those that feel more personal and share more about the process, or the more professional ones you aspire to be like, or the more relatable ones? This could help pinpoint what type of persona would work best for your account. The uses and gratifications theory is a great way to frame your research into the niche and this is the link to the original paper by Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch that developed the theory! https://www.jstor.org/stable/2747854
    It sucks to hear that you’re in a bit of a creative slump, but your illustrations are awesome and hope your project keeps going well!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hey, hey!

    i just wanna say that i think your blog post and video represent your DA subject matter so wonderfully! everything is really clean and crisp and it shows in your execution as well as your understanding of design.
    i think you have a really clever niche here, one i haven’t seen many people other than you create a project from. you have a delightful understanding and are able to express that clearly, aligning it with further content/lectures. i love how professional your blog is! the detail of it all well done!
    i have included this article on using design to convey your brand, which i thought might give some insight or new ideas when it comes to persona aspects 🙂

    hey, hey!

    i just wanna say that i think your blog post and video represent your DA subject matter so wonderfully! everything is really clean and crisp and it shows in your execution as well as your understanding of design.
    i think you have a really clever niche here, one i haven’t seen many people other than you create a project from. you have a delightful understanding and are able to express that clearly, aligning it with further content/lectures. i love how professional your blog is! the detail of it all well done!
    i have included this article on using design to convey your brand, which i thought might give some insight or new ideas when it comes to persona aspects 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. i just want to say idk why that posted twice in sorry love 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Double the feedback, I love it haha


  5. […] also commented on Charlie’s project with her digital illustration Instagram Grace and Sage. She pointed out consistency as a factor for […]

    Liked by 1 person

  6. […] Looking back on my work, I personally don’t think I successfully broke down some of my research and addressed specifically what I have gathered or found. This lack of information would have been a great addition to support my DA further, but I am happy to take this on board by using examples like Hannah’s work, to address in full capacity for my final DA. […]


  7. Excellent layout, aesthetic and design in your video, I was super impressed! I think your blog post and video met all the requirements of the assignment; however, it would have been good if you had posted a link to your Instagram on your post as it took me a bit to find. I liked the comment you made about seeing your Instagram from an audience member’s perspective and how even though you don’t have many followers at the moment you are thinking about your future followers. A few suggestions I have regarding hashtags to help you generate more followers is to change them up a bit and make them relevant to your post. When I looked at your Instagram account a lot of your hashtags are about design, but I think you could look for something related to your aesthetic, which is popular at the moment like the boho style. You could also use a hashtag generator app to help create some hashtags, this article lists the top 11 of them. Another suggestion I have for gaining more followers is to look for accounts in a similar niche to yours and follow them and comment on their posts and engage with them.


  8. […] digital illustration niche, with some amazing art designs she has […]


  9. […] to examine, assess and ultimately discover what is make them stand out. As mentioned in my Beta, I became an audience member within my niche when I viewed my DA account from a personal account. […]


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